Announcements for the Week of March 30, 2025

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given by Ken and Teresa Evans in celebration of their  wedding anniversary. 

WE WELCOME OUR GUESTS:  We are glad to have you worship with us today. We ask our guests to please sign our guest register.  If you have any questions, please ask any member or Pastor.

THOSE TO KEEP IN OUR PRAYERS:  Janice Lancour, Linda Buchanan (Cedar Hill), Lorry Flath, Judy Chylek (at home), Mary Hupy, Jeanette Klein, Barb Lehman, Bill Herbst Sr, and Judy Wright. We pray for all of our shut-ins. We pray for our Synod and our missionaries. We pray for our troops, our leaders in the congregation, and in our city, state and nation. We pray for our straying members and those who don’t know Jesus. 

EVANGELISM THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Today we heard Isaiah tell us, I will give thanks to you, Lord, for though you were angry with me, your anger has turned away, and you comfort me.  2Surely God is my salvation.  I will trust him and will not be afraid, (Isaiah 12:1-2).  Yes, the Lord has been angry over all our sins, but His anger has turned away from us because of Jesus.  Now the Lord is our comfort and salvation.  Tell others, even those who think God is angry with them, that there is lasting comfort in God because of Jesus our Savior.  

COMMUNION PROCEDURE: We will use both the Common Cup and the Individual Cups as we celebrate Communion. The procedure will be as follows: 1) The bread will be distributed; please hold out your hand for the bread. 2) The individual cups will be distributed. Take an individual cup if you wish. 3) The common cup will then be distributed to those who did not take one of the individual cups. 4) Please leave the individual cups in the rack on the communion rail. If you are unable to come to the Altar for communion please speak to one of the Ushers. Pastor will bring communion to you in the pew. 

NO CATECHISM CLASS:  There is no Catechism Class this week since it’s Spring Break this coming week.  Our next class will be on Wednesday, April 9th 

BIBLE CLASS TODAY:  Today we begin talking about how important it is to be ready for Jesus’ return at the end of the world. 

NEW CHURCH CALENDAR:  The church calendar for April is out on the cabinet in the hallway.  Please pick up your copy. 

NEW Forward In Christ: for April is out.  Please pick up the new copy and share with others. 

THE LORD CALLED: Mary Porath to himself this past Tuesday. Funeral arrangements will be made after the cemetery allows burials. The family is discussing a private ceremony, but details will be coming most likely after Easter. Blessed be Mary’s memory!

LENT IS HERE:  This year’s Lenten Theme is: Reflections on Repentance.  Each Wednesday during Lent we will have soup and sandwiches before worship from 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.  Our worship begins at 6:30 p.m.  Pastor is part of a preaching rotation with other pastors in the circuit.  This Wednesday, Pastor Sam Westra from Mt. Olive in Iron Mt. MI will be leading our worship. Come, as we rededicate our hearts and minds to understand anew the depths of God’s love for us in Christ. 

VOTERS’ MEETING:  Our Quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be on Sunday, April 13th after late worship.  We especially encourage all our voters to come, but everyone is welcome.  There will be a light lunch served for those attending the meeting. 

IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE: that is interested in learning more about Salem, please give contact information to Pastor Doletzky. 

LWMS SPRING RALLY: Our Savior Lutheran Church in Lena, WI, along with St. Mark Lutheran Church in Spruce, WI, invites you to the LWMS Lake Superior Circuit 2025 Spring Rally on April 26! Mr. Shannon Bohme will speak about Missionary Journeys, the organization that helps everyday people (like you and me!) to take part in mission opportunities locally, nationally, and even internationally. RSVPs and mission offerings will be collected on the LWMS table in the hallway through April 13. Laura Johnson or Kathy Grill can respond to questions.

THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS:  If you have Thrivent Choice Dollars and you haven’t designated them for 2024, the deadline is March 31st.  Please prayerfully consider donating your choice dollars here to Salem. 

EASTER CHOIR:  The choir will be practicing after late worship on Sunday, April 6 and 13. We will be joining the Sunday School in singing on Easter morning the 20th. We hope you can join us in praising our Savior! 

THANK YOU:  We give thanks to the Lord for all who brought food and/or helped with the New Member Welcome potluck dinner last week!  What a joy to welcome 17 new members and to get to know each other a little better.  The Lord is good! 

ST PAUL’S CONFIRMATION PICTURES: The past confirmation pictures from St Paul’s, Hyde, have been added to the picture display holder in the hallway for everyone to view. 

CENTRAL AFRICA MEDICAL MISSION (CAMM) MARCH NEWSLETTER:  A copy of the March CAMM Newsletter can be found on the hallway cabinet by the Christian greeting cards. The March CAMM Newsletter is an updatefrom our Field Director, Gary Evans, on the recent Medical Camp that was held in Kenya this past February. Prior CAMM Newsletters can be found in the orange binder that is also located by the Christian greeting cards. Monetary donations can be sent to: WELS Gift Processing, N16 W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha, WI 53188 with checks made out to Central Africa Medical Mission. Please continue to pray for CAMM and the people we serve in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. Any questions about CAMM can be directed to Kathy Grill, CAMM Contact Woman for the WELS Lake Superior Circuit. 

AUDIO LOOP:  There is an audio loop installed.  For all those who use hearing aids, please set them to the “T” setting for T-coil or telephone. 

Hymns for Midweek Lenten Worship, April 2nd  735-396-321, Psalm 119c

Hymns for next Sunday,  April 6th  (Purple): The Service of  The Word Hymns 382-110-752  Psalm 73 


(8:00) Noel Bruce, Dylan Bruce

(10:30) Ken Evans, Terry Klick, Adam Hinch

Next Sunday, April 6th 

(8:00) Dewey Klein, Mark Juhl

(10:30) Mark Kuehn, Glen Meunier, Brain Thorsen 


March 30th – April 5th: Steve Cadeau

April 6th – April 12thCarlton Isaacson 

CLEANING SCHEDULE (March 23rd – April 5th)

Vacuuming – Teresa Evans

Dusting – Amy Gilner       

Sweeping – Teresa Evans

Restrooms – Amy Gilner

Communion Ware Clean-up  (March) – Coni Bruce

(April) – Lori Gilbertson 


March 30thTodd Chouinard (Julie Chouinard)

April 6th –  Brian Thorsen (Terry Klick)

THIS WEEK AT SALEM (March 30th – April 6th)

Today          8:00 am        Worship w/Holy Communion

                    9:15 am        Bible Study

                    9:15 am        Sunday School

                    10:30 am       Worship w/Holy Communion

Wed                                 NO Confirmation Class

                     5:30 pm        Soup and Sandwich Supper

                     6:30 pm        Lenten Worship

Sunday, April 6th     

                    8:00 am        Worship

                    9:15 am        Bible Study

                    9:15 am        Sunday School

                    10:30 am       Worship