Announcements for the Week of February 23, 2025
THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given by Diane Johnson in memory of loved ones.
WE WELCOME OUR GUESTS: We are glad to have you worship with us today. We ask our guests to please sign our guest register. If you have any questions, please ask any member or Pastor.
EVANGELISM THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Today we heard Jesus tell us, 27“But I say to you who are listening: Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. 28Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:27-28) The most powerful thing in the world to change hearts in the Word of God and the love that comes from Christ. When we think about each person as a soul Jesus’ purchased with His blood, we are going to be able to love even our enemies. May Jesus’ love fill you to look out for the good of those souls who are caught in the evil ways of Satan. Who knows how God will use you to be someone that is part of God changing a heart from unbelief to faith in Christ?
THOSE TO KEEP IN OUR PRAYERS: Linda Buchanan (Cedar Hill), Lorry Flath, Judy Chylek (at home), Mary Hupy, Jan Lancour, Jeanette Klein, Barb Lehman, Bill Herbst Sr, Judy Wright, and Mary Porath (Hospice). We pray for all of our shut-ins. We pray for our Synod and our missionaries. We pray for our troops, our leaders in the congregation, and in our city, state and nation. We pray for our straying members and those who don’t know Jesus.
COMMUNION PROCEDURE: We will use both the Common Cup and the Individual Cups as we celebrate Communion. The procedure will be as follows: 1) The bread will be distributed; please hold out your hand for the bread. 2) The individual cups will be distributed. Take an individual cup if you wish. 3) The common cup will then be distributed to those who did not take one of the individual cups. 4) Please leave the individual cups in the rack on the communion rail. If you are unable to come to the Altar for communion please speak to one of the Ushers. Pastor will bring communion to you in the pew.
BIBLE CLASS TODAY: We will continue our study of Romans chapter 12 today, and we might even get into chapter 13. We will look at different ways God calls us to live to His glory.
THE NEW MARCH CALENDAR: The church calendar for March is out and ready to be picked up.
THE NEW Meditations: The new Meditations that starts on March 2nd is out on the counter in the hallway. Please pick one up for your own personal daily devotions and please share one with someone you know who could use the encouragement.
USED Meditations: When you are done with your Meditations daily devotions booklet, and if you don’t want to keep it, please bring it back to church. We send the used Meditations to our Synod’s prison ministry. They in turn send them to prisoners around the country. They must be less than two years old. Thanks so much.
THE Forward in Christ: for February is out and ready to be picked up. There are interesting articles to encourage you and news around our synod in each magazine.
THRIVENT CHOICE DOLLARS: If you have Thrivent Choice Dollars and you haven’t designated them for 2024, the deadline is March 31st. Please prayerfully consider donating your choice dollars here to Salem.
LENT IS COMING: Lent begins this year with Ash Wednesday on March 5th. This year’s Lenten Theme is: Reflections on Repentance. Each Wednesday during Lent we will have soup and sandwiches before worship from 5:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. Our worship begins at 6:30 p.m. During our Ash Wednesday worship we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Come as we rededicate our hearts and minds to understand anew the depths of God’s love for us in Christ.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SURVEY: Our church has been blessed with several large donations of money. It is important for us to consider the wise use of these funds and take care of God’s house. The council recommends that the congregation consider a prioritized list of projects to direct these funds. We are seeking the membership input as to which projects should be considered. Please prayerfully consider these projects. The council will consider all ideas. From your ideas, we will develop a capital improvement plan to be recommended to the Voters. Please return the surveys by March 1st. You will find the surveys on the counter in the hallway. There is also a receptacle to put your survey in after it is completed. If you have any questions, please see Steve Cadeau.
IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE: that is interested in learning more about Salem, please give contact information to Pastor Doletzky.
CENTRAL AFRICA MEDICAL MISSION FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER: A copy of the February CAMM Newsletter can be found on the hallway cabinet by the Christian greeting cards. The February CAMM Newsletter comes from Jackson Kalekwa, Clinical Officer in Charge in Zambia. He shares the initiatives in place to battle hypertension. Prior CAMM Newsletters can be found in the orange binder that is also located by the Christian greeting cards. Monetary donations can be sent to: WELS Gift Processing, N16 W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha, WI 53188 with checks made out to Central Africa Medical Mission. Please continue to pray for CAMM and the people we serve in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. Any questions about CAMM can be directed to Kathy Grill, CAMM Contact Woman for the WELS Lake Superior Circuit.
AUDIO LOOP: There is an audio loop installed. For all those who use hearing aids, please set them to the “T” setting for T-coil or telephone.
Hymns for next Sunday, March 2nd (White): The Service of The Word Hymns 280-97-369 Psalm 148, Hymn 242 st. 1 in place of O Taste and See
(8:00) Dewey Klein, Mark Juhl
(10:30) Mark Kuehn, Glen Meunier, Brian Thorsen
Next Sunday, March 2nd
(8:00) Gary Carlson
(10:30) Todd Chouinard, Luke Gilner, Dave Johnson
Feb 23rd – March 1st: Steve Cadeau
March 2nd – March 8th: Ken Evans
Feb 23rd – Steve Cadeau (Melissa Cadeau)
March 2nd – Todd Chouinard (Julie Chouinard)
CLEANING SCHEDULE (Feb 23rd – March 8th)
Vacuuming – Alyssa Sovey
Dusting – Coni Bruce
Sweeping – Alyssa Sovey
Restrooms – Coni Bruce
Communion Ware Clean-up (Feb) – Alice Herbst
(March) – Coni Bruce
THIS WEEK AT SALEM (Feb 23rd – March 2nd)
Today 8:00 am Worship w/Holy Communion
9:15 am Bible Study
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship w/Holy Communion
Wed 4:30 pm Confirmation Class
Thurs 3:00 pm New Member Class
Sunday, March 2nd
8:00 am Worship
9:15 am Bible Study
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship