Announcements for the Week of October 20, 2024

THE FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given by Diane Johnson in memory of loved ones.

WE WELCOME OUR GUESTS:  We are glad to have you worship with us today. We ask our guests to please sign our guest register.  If you have any questions, please ask any member or Pastor. 

THOSE TO KEEP IN OUR PRAYERS: Ruth Johnson (mother of our pianist Diane Johnson and Dave Johnson’s mother),  Debbie Schlitchting, Mary Hupy, Jan Lancour, Jeanette Klein, Judy Chylek, Barb Lehman, Bill Herbst Sr, Dave Mlostek, Judy Wright, and Mary Porath. We pray for all of our shut-ins. We pray for our Synod and our missionaries. We pray for our troops, our leaders in the congregation, and in our city, state and nation. We pray for our straying members and those who don’t know Jesus. 

EVANGELISM THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  Today we heard the writer to the Hebrews tell us, 8Although he was the Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. 9After he was brought to his goal, he became the source of eternal salvation for everyone who obeys him, (Hebrews 5:8-9).   When people are suffering they forget that their Lord knows their suffering and suffered for them even more to be the only source of eternal salvation.  Share the great love Jesus showed them by suffering and dying to deliver them from all suffering. 

QUARTERLY VOTER’S MEETING:  Our October Quarterly Voter’s Meeting will be today after late worship.  At this meeting we will be discussing the removal of the berms around the church and different ways to doing it.  We will not have formal proposals until the January Annual Meeting.  We will also have our quarterly reports and different things we are working on and things we are considering. 

BIBLE CLASS TODAY:  Today we continue in Romans chapter 11 as the Apostle teaches us how important it is to continue on with the Lord. 

IT’S PASTIE TIME: Stay warm this fall and winter with a meal of pasties! The Pioneers will be having their annual pasty sale this fall. You can preorder pasties starting today until Oct 27th using the forms on the table in the hallway. They would also appreciate donations of ingredients and help with assembly for which there are also sign-up sheets on the same table. The pasties can be purchased for $4.50 each or 5 for $20. Pasty pick up will be after both services on Sunday, November 3rd. Please see Melissa Cadeau or Amy Gilner with any questions. Thank you! 

ONLINE BIBLE STUDY FOR TEENS: The next online teen bible study is scheduled for November 10, at 7pm.  The previous study was enjoyed by all who participated.  Bible studies are going to be scheduled to take place on a quarterly basis and feature messages from a variety of WELS pastors.  Watch them individually or gather a group at your home or church!  You can learn more at wels.net/events. 

WELS TEEN NIGHT:  Tonight, Salem will be hosting the WELS TEEN NIGHT from 6-8 pm. Teens in grades 7th – 12th from all over the area are invited to attend and bring a friend or 2. There will be games, food, small group discussions and more. Plan on attending and enjoying this fun opportunity. 

HURRICANES MILTON and HELENE: Updates from Dan Sims, director of WELS Christian Aid and Relief –  The weekend of Oct 12 & 13, the WELS Christian Aid and Relief (CA&R) assessment team traveled to Florida and spend two intensive days viewing damage and talking to pastors, members and church leaders.  The team visited WELS congregations in Sarasota, Tampa and Seminole.  Northdale Lutheran in Tampa had a large tree on its school that needed to be removed as well as water damage to its sound system.  Ascension in Sarasota had soffit damage.   Thankfully damage to church buildings is light and should be repaired quickly.  The team also visited several members of WELS churches with varying levels of damage to their personal properties.  Some have extensive damage from storm surge entering their homes.  There is also quite a bit of tree damage and debris that needs to be cleaned up in the area of impact.  CA&R is thankful to report that all members of our churches are safe with no reports of injury or loss of life.  Currently, CA&R is working to set up a deployment to help with the work that needs to be done.  Local volunteers will be utilized as much as possible, but volunteers with special skills will be brought in as needed.  To sign up as a disaster relief volunteer, please visit welsdisasterrelief.org.  CA&R will keep you updated on its deployment plans.  In addition to the work in FL, CA&R is in touch with WELS pastors in North Carolina and is working to help several families in need.  We couldn’t do any of this without your support.  We are grateful for God’s people in WELS who have offered many prayers and abundant financial gifts to help those in need.  Thank you so much!

**Salem has raised $1,496 in free will offerings that will be sent to Christian Aid & Relief for help in the clean-up from the hurricanes.  

BULLETINS from the previous two Sundays are available in the pamphlet holder on the table in the entryway. 

Hymns for October 27th, Reformation Sunday (Red),

Service of Word and Sacrament: 204-536-(385-379) Choir? Hymn 201 in place of the Psalm  

USHERS  (8:00) Dewey Klein

(10:30) Mark Kuehn, Glen Meunier, Brian Thorsen

Next Sunday, Oct 27th  (8:00) Gary Carlson, Corey Engebretson

(10:30)  Todd Chouinard, Luke Gilner, David Johnson

CLEANING SCHEDULE (Oct 20th – Nov 2nd)

Vacuuming – Mary Porath

Sweeping – Coni Bruce

Restrooms – Coni Bruce

Communion Ware Clean-up (Oct) – Joan Maatta 


Oct 20thBrian Thorsen (Terry Klick)

Oct 27thNoel Bruce (Amanda Bruce) 

THIS WEEK AT SALEM (Oct 20th – Oct 27th)

Today       8:00 am     Worship

      9:15 am     Bible Class

      9:15 am     Sunday School

     10:30 am    Worship

                         Choir Rehearsal after late worship

                         Voters’ Meeting after late worship

                  6:00 pm     WELS Teen Night 6-8pm

Wed           10:00 am   New Member Class

                  4:30 pm     Catechism Class

Sat             10:00 am   New Member Class

Sunday, Oct 27th     

      8:00 am     Worship w/Holy Communion

      9:15 am     Bible Class

      9:15 am     Sunday School                  

                 10:30 am    Worship w/Holy Communion

                 Choir Rehearsal after late worship

      5:00 pm     Circuit Reformation Worship at

                         St. John’s, Florence at 4 pm CST

                         Potluck to follow



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