Announcements for the Week of July 21, 2024

WE WELCOME OUR GUESTS:  We are glad to have you worship with us today. We ask our guests to please sign our guest register.  If you have any questions, please ask any member or Pastor. 

WE THANK:  The Lord for the message from God’s Word that retired Pastor Mark Hannemann shared with us today and for leading us in worship this morning.  We continue to wish both Pastor and Bonnie the Lord’s richest blessings! 

IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE: that is interested in learning more about Salem, please give contact information to Pastor Doletzky. 

EVANGELISM THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK:  Today we heard, When Jesus stepped out of the boat, he saw a large crowd. His heart went out to them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. He began to teach them many things. (Mark 6:34).  Jesus had a heart for the people who were lost.  What did he do?  He taught them.  We have been given the precious truths from God’s Word to share with the lost, truths that are needed more than anything.  What an incredible honor God has given to you!  The honor of sharing the life giving Word of God! 

THOSE TO KEEP IN OUR PRAYERS:  Tim Bruce, Judy Chylek, Barb Lehman, Mary Hupy, Bill Herbst Sr, Dave Mlostek, Pastor Dick Winters, Judy Wright, Mary Porath, and Linda Buchanan. We pray for all of our shut-ins. We pray for our Synod and our missionaries. We pray for our troops, our leaders in the congregation, and in our city, state and nation. We pray for our straying members and those who don’t know Jesus. 

NO BIBLE CLASS TODAY:  Next week the plan will be to get to the end of chapter 9.  This chapter deals with the question, “Why are some saved and others are not?”  

NO SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY:  Summer Sunday School will continue next week, July 28th.

THANK YOU:  We give thanks to the Lord who moved the hearts of our members to give $902.00 to the Kuehl and Henselin families who lost loved ones in the fire on June 30th.  Please continue to keep them in your prayers.

HELP NEEDED:  Today after late worship, Ken Evans would like some help moving things in the fellowship hall and the classrooms because he will be working to strip and wax the tile floors in each area.  Plans are to get the floors done between July 21st and July 28th.  The goal is to be done and have everything ready by worship on July 28th.   Thanks for your help in advance.

VOTERS’ MEETING:  Our Quarterly Voters’ Meeting for July will be on Sunday, July 28th after late worship.  We will have reports on the items we are working on and talk about future projects to consider.  We especially encourage all our voters to come, but everyone is welcome.  There will be a light lunch served for those attending the meeting. 

REMINDERS FOR VOLUNTEERS: If you have a volunteer job here at Salem, i.e., ushering, cleaning, communion clean up, mowing, etc, you will be receiving email reminders of the dates for your turn.  Please keep an eye out for these reminders and if they happen to go to your junk box, please mark it as ‘not junk’ so it will go to your regular inbox in the future.  If you have any questions, please see Luke Gilner. 

PASTOR ON VACATION:  Pastor Doletzky and Carrie will be on vacation from Tuesday, July 16th until Wednesday, July 24th.  Pastor Mark Hannemann will be on call for any emergency. You can call him at 906-241-5097.  There will be no Bible Class on the 21st, but there will be class on the 28th.

CENTRAL AFRICA MEDICAL MISSION (CAMM) JULY MONTHLY LETTER: A copy of the July CAMM Monthly Letter can be found on the hallway cabinet by the Christian greeting cards. This month we are hearing from Lusungu Mwambeye, Clinic Administrator with updates from the mobile clinic in Malawi. Both the Zambia and Malawi clinics are in need of pill bottles, sunscreen, sunhats and other infant/toddler items. Attached list to this month’s newsletter.

Prior CAMM Monthly Letters can be found in the orange binder that is also located by the Christian greeting cards.

Monetary donations can be sent to: WELS Gift Processing, N16 W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha, WI 53188 with checks made out to Central Africa Medical Mission.

Please continue to pray for CAMM and the people we serve in Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. Any questions about CAMM can be directed to Kathy Grill, CAMM Contact Woman for the WELS Lake Superior Circuit. 

AUDIO LOOP:  There is an audio loop installed.  For all those who use hearing aids, please set them to the “T” setting for T-coil or telephone. 

BULLETINS from the previous two Sundays are available in the pamphlet holder on the table in the entryway. 


Salem members are asked to support world missionary Pastor Andrew Johnston through the LWMS Befriend a Mission program with prayer, cards, or small items, during the month of July. Each LWMS congregation is assigned to support specific missionaries throughout the year. July is our month! Please consider supporting Pastor Johnston and his family as they serve on the 1 Latin America Team.  Questions? Please contact Laura Johnson or Kathy Grill.                      Pastor Andrew Johnston

                             9983 NW 43rd Terrace

                             Doral FL 33178-3337

                             Email: [email protected] 

FLOWERS FOR WORSHIP:  We all have the opportunity to supply a fresh bouquet of flowers for the altar during a worship service.  Whether in celebration, memory, or just for the many blessings we have received, please sign up for a Sunday on the flower chart in the entry hall.  The bouquets are $16.00 for one and $24.00 for two.  Please make your check out to the Salem and everything else will be taken care of for you. Please see Nancy Juhl if you have any questions. 

Hymns for July 28th, The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Green), The Service of Word and Sacrament: 581-353-(397-375 at 10:30)-494  Psalm 84 


Today (8:00) Mark Juhl, Dave Mlosek

(10:30)Ken Evans, Terry Klick, Adam Hinch  

Next Sunday, July 28th   

(8:00) Dewey Klein

(10:30) Mark Kuehn, Glen Meunier, Brian Thorsen 


July 21stTodd Chouinard (Julie Chouinard)

July 28thBryan Thorsen (Terry Klick)

CLEANING SCHEDULE (July 14th – July 27th)

Vacuuming – Ken & Teresa Evans

Sweeping – Mary Porath

Restrooms – Julie Chouinard

Communion Ware Clean-up  (July) – Diane Johnson 


July 21st – July 27th     

    Lawn – Dave Herbst         Berms – Adam Hinch

July 28th – Aug 3rd    

    Lawn – Todd Meerstein     Berms – Matthew Meerstein 

THIS WEEK AT SALEM (July 21st – July 28th)

     Today      8:00 am        Worship

                                        NO Bible Class                                                         

                    10:30 am      Worship

     Thurs       6:00 pm        New Member Class

     Sunday, July 28th           

                    8:00 am        Worship w/Holy Communion                                     

                    9:15 am        Bible Class

                    10:30 am      Worship w/Holy Communion

                                           Voters’ Meeting after late service



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